Start your fundraising page today!

We encourage everyone to fundraise! Don’t forget to customize your page to make it your own. Then send your link to all of your family and friends.  Anyone in the world can fundraise! You do not have to register or even attend the Joggin’ for Frogmen event to become a fundraiser. We have PRIZES for the top two individual fundraisers (you do not have to be present at the race to receive your prize).

Prize for top individual fundraiser!

The top individual fundraiser will receive this patriotic 3′ Joggin’ for Frogmen paddle shown below, made by  Paracord Work by Joshua. Winner does not have to be present to receive on race day so we encourage everyone to help us fundraise! See below for directions.

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To fundraise as an individual:

When you register for this year’s race, you will receive an email confirmation for your registration, then you will also receive an email from saying that your fundraising page has been created. Using the link in the email from Active, you can login and customize your fundraising page. If you’ve already registered for the 2013 Joggin’ for Frogmen event on, but don’t have that fundraising email, follow these steps to find your fundraising page:

  1. Click here:
  2. Click: “Become a fundraiser”
  3. Click: “Fundraise as an individual”
  4. Then login to Active Giving using your login information you used to register for the race. Once you are logged in, you will see a drop down at the top where you can click on your fundraising page.
  5. Or if you’re not registered for the race, create a new profile on to start fundraising.

Even if you don’t participated in the Joggin’ for Frogmen 5k, you can still fundraise by following steps 1-4 above.

To join an existing fundraising team:

  1. Click here:
  2. Enter the team name in the “Search” field (must be exact spelling and spacing)
  3. Once you find the team page, click on “Create a team member fundraising page”
  4. Then login to Active Giving using your login information you used to register for the race. Once you are logged in, you will see a drop down at the top where you can click on your fundraising page.
  5. Or create a new account if you are not participating in the race.

To donate to a friend who has a Fundraising page:

  1. Click here:
  2. Type in their first or last name into the appropriate fields (must be exact spelling and spacing)
  3. A pop-up window will appear and you can click on the persons name.
  4. Once on their page, scroll to the bottom to donate.

Top Individual Fundraisers So Far!

Alex Plumb – Joggin’ for Plumber

Liz (Mayra) Paz

Fatima Ocampo

Lexi Rupert

Latasha Keller

Victoria Clark

Steve Mercado

Jodie Grenier

Kim Davis

Paul Campano

Nichole Hill

Bettina Taylor

Sara Jones

Angie Gibson

Jamie Tobitt

Kelly Gunn

Melissa McClone

Shannon Silva

Brian Ford

Brendan Dolan

Lynn Jordan

Sheila Amiri

Melissa Koutsogiannis


Top Fundraising Teams So Far!

Joggin for JT

Joggin for Plumber

Joggin’ for Jesse P 

Frogmen’s Fantasies

Team Never Quit

Team Warsen

Racin for Mason

Team Mike Zacchea

Team Texas Frogmen Rock!!!

Tee Major Fitness
